Astrology Shines the light on all aspects of your life
Helping you to make positive choices - always
Everyone wants to be happy and successful in life!
We all want the best relationship, to have financial abundance and to live a balanced and healthy life. Every one of us has a unique blueprint which shows our strengths and weaknesses, we are destined to experience certain things in life, some are good and some are less than desirable and it is heartwarming to know that we are also able to escape our fate if we discover how to tap into the source of our own infinite intelligence.
If you seek a more fulfilling life or simply wish to find your life purpose there are several paths to enlightenment. Here are the ones I practice and teach.
Through Astrology: We are born with a unique blueprint for our entire life. It shows all that we are to experience and to learn in life. We are physical beings with emotional, mental and spiritual elements and we need to balance these things in order to maximise the joys and abundance of life. Before we can fly we need to know what needs balancing, we need to know what unconsciously prevents us from achieving success and maintaining it. Often people succeed but it doesn't always last. Find out what you need to know in order to succeed or ensure success and happiness are easier to attain.
Astrology as a parenting tool. A natal chart interpretation shows a babies personality, habits and the things that challenge them too. By knowing how a baby is responding to them parents can modify the way they teach their children. This report becomes a useful life tool for the child in adulthood too.
Astrology for conflict resolution. Conflict occurs because people do not understand each other. Each has needs that are not being met. Not only do you get to know the cause of conflict you will also receive insights into solutions.
Through Meditation: Using Transcending Meditation Techniques you can be guided to the source of things that that you need to understand and overcome, things which hold you back in life and make life more difficult than it should be. The aim is to make life easy, to rise above limitations, to become calm, more capable and completely in control of your responses to life by no longer unconsciously reacting to the past in a negative way.
Life is not meant to be a struggle, learn how to do life with greater pleasure and ease.
Life Coaching: I have been a practicing astrologer since 1989 and have taught transcending meditation techniques since 1993. Using these and other tools I can help you to find the source of your personal power and to overcome any habits or tendencies which prevent you from reaching success in your chosen way. Practical exercises are given to help raise your awareness of personal issues and lead you towards greater independence and success. Learn how to do life better.
Change your reality today !
For more details follow links to
Astrology Reports, and
Meditation Courses
Telephone 0438 318 180